Wednesday, January 28, 2009

*EmBaRrAsSiNg CoMmUnIcAtIoN bReAkDoWn*

The most embarrassing communication breakdown that has ever happened to me took place when I was 16. I was talking to my friend on my cell phone and I guess I wasn't paying too much attention. Since after a few minutes of me telling a story my phone starts ringing. It turns out she had lost service and I hadn't realize so I continued talking. To make matters worse, I was sitting in the doctor's office so everybody around me probably thought I was pretending to be on the phone or something, because I was talking into it and then it rang! I don't get embarrassed too easily but it made me turn a little red.

This communication breakdown happened to me because she had lost phone service and I was too busy with my story and what was going on with me that I didn't realize. This is due to mechanical noise and environmental noise. Mechanical noise in that the phone stopped working properly. Environmental noise because I was concerned with what was going on in my head and what was happenning around me so I did not notice my friend was no longer on the receiving end of the conversation.