Wednesday, January 28, 2009

*ReAsOnS fOr WaTcHiNg Tv AnD gOiNg To ThE mOvIeS*

Compared to the reasons given in the textbook, there are many similarities between why I watch tv and go to the movies and why other college students do. I watch tv for the following reasons that were also given in the book:
  • I like to watch when there's nothing else to do.
  • I don't like eating alone.
  • Television keeps me informed and entertained and it beats the hell out of studying.
  • I watch TV to be entertained.

I go to the movies for the following reasons that were also given in the book:

  • Because movies take you to La-La Land, a fantasy place.
  • I like the popcorn.
  • To escape the everyday doldrums of life.

1 comment:

  1. Love it Jacy. If I am home alone, I will eat dinner and watch TV. Simply because I don't like to eat alone! :)
