Wednesday, March 25, 2009

*Am I iNvOlVeD*

I would describe myself as an active member in my community. I am active when it comes to helping out and doing volunteer work and contributing to activities on and off school's campus. When it comes to issues in politics in my community and as a whole in world politics, I would consider myself concerned and informed but not active. I do not know everything there is to know about politics, and I don't have a desire too. However, I think that what is happening around the country and around the world effects me and so I should have a basic concept of what is going on. I do not go to political rallies or engage in any political debates, nor do I consider myself an active citizen when it comes to politics. I vote in elections, and I try to stay current on what is happening. I watch the news everynight and try to read the newspaper or articles online whenever I can.
I think that the media contributes to my status a lot. If it were not for the media's coverage of political events and of news I would be unaware of what is going on. often times when I watch the news I feel like I am out of the loop and that leads me to want to know more and learn more about politics. The media is what stems my interest in politics and news. When I see a news story about political issues that I know nothing about, I want to learn more about it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

*TV WaTcHeD tHiS wEeK

American Idol: 1 hour
Survivor: 1 hour

General Hospital: 1 hour

Golf: 2 hours
Saturday Night Live: 1 hour


The Bachelor: 3 hours

American Idol: 2 hours

American Idol: 1 hour
Seinfeld: 1 hour
Friends: 1 hour

Total: 14 hours of television watched this week!

Monday, March 2, 2009

*MoViEs, MoViEs, MoViEs*

*List of movies I have seen in theaters in the past six months and why I went to see them*
  • My Best Friend's Girl: It looked funny and my friends wanted to go see it.
  • Eagle Eye: I think Shia is a good actor and the movie looked really intriguing.
  • Nights in Rodanthe: I read the book, and I was curious to see what the movie was like.
  • Body of Lies: Leonardo DiCaprio is my favorite actor, so I go to see whatever movie he is in.
  • Four Christmases: I love Christmas movies, and Vince Vaughn is hilarious.
  • Seven Pounds: It looked really interesting and mysterious.

*Microanalytical Functions of going to the movies that have impacted me*

  • Socialization
  • Linkage
  • Diversion
  • Stimulation
  • Relaxation
  • Emotional Release

*Comparing the Number of movies I have seen in the past six months in the theater with those I have seen at home*

I love watching movies at home on a regular basis. In the past six months I have probably watched over thirty of them at home. This is a much higher number than what I watched in the theater.

*What are the differences I expect from a movie as opposed to a drama or comedy show on t.v.?*

When I watch a movie I hope to forget everything else that is going on in my life. I like to pretend I am a character in the movie and that everything else around me just disappears. When I watch television it is usually just to pass time or to be entertained for a short amount of time. I would much rather watch a movie!